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26/04/2019 A sit-down with Félix Lajkó

Interviews, News Giulia Guarini

The Hungarian violin and zither virtuoso, composer Félix Lajkó is able to break the musical barriers between styles resulting in a very unique sound and character. His trio filled Vaba Lava concert hall with a contagious energy that made it difficult to remain seated, the bewitching melodies followed by unexpected thrilling violin chords and fast tempo surely kept the audience amazed and eager for more. The special and unique way he pours his soul into the music is something that can’t be left unnoticed. We had the great opportunity to speak with the talented Félix Lajkó during the set up before his performance.



The sun shined brightly around Telliskivi and Félix Lajkó is seated outside the concert venue along with the other members of the trio. I can spot his vivid orange coloured violin case resting near him. He begins by telling me about the time he was seven when he started playing the zither as it was very common to play it in the Hungarian villages; at that point his interest in music just kept growing. Later, when he was thirteen, he started playing the violin.



I followed up by asking more about his violin playing. Despite the rich musicality and freedom in his performances, Félix shows an outstanding technique and agility. I was amazed to hear that he attended a music academy only for a short amount of time. He left after being told that he wasn’t talented enough. “I could say I am self-learned,” Lajkó muses.

I wanted to know more about the kind music that influenced him, curious to know if the unfortunate experience with the classical violin schooling had impacted the way he felt about classical music itself. With no hesitation Lajkó told how passionate he is about classical music. “I have been into classical music for as long as I can remember,” he says. “I listen to classical to this day!”



The way Lajkó speaks about music is special. When I referred to music as a professional career he quickly noted that he cannot think of it as a profession. “I still see myself as an amateur as my feelings and passion towards music have remained the same throughout my life,” he tells me. He mentioned that there is a specific word for this feeling in the Hungarian language: “It’s my passion but it’s something more, I do it as a profession, but I do it all from my heart”.



Félix Lajkó plays in different musical formations either with the violin or the zither. “I love playing solo”. Only then he feels free to express himself completely, without boundaries. “It’s just me, the violin and the music.”



When talking about the future and whether there is something he is hoping to accomplish with his music, he whispered in a serious tone: “I am the music.” A light laugh followed as well as: “What I have right now is enough. There are no intentions of reaching a specific goal with music. My goal is the music itself, to keep playing which is all that actually matters to me.” Still, there are some projects in his mind, such as the release of two albums, one with the Polish band Vołosi, and another with a bigger band of seven musicians, three of whom are part of the current trio he performs at Jazzkaar.



The interview ends when we could hear the blended sounds of the tuning of the guitar and the beat of the bass in the background. Lajkó grabs his violin case, and I can see a sense of peace and fulfilment in his eyes. The anticipation can be seen. It is time to make music.