Are you rrrrrready for the 2020s? - Festival Jazzkaar

ADDRESS: Pärnu maantee 30-5, Tallinn 10141

PHONE: +372 666 0030

EMAIL: info(ät)

02/05/2017 Are you rrrrrready for the 2020s?

Reviews Miaela Barac

On Saturday evening we were ready for a really good tease, we were ready to listen to Alice Francis in all her beauty and sensual energy. Miss Francis’ classy trio is a delightful music temptation of a different level. One because its delicious grooves come from electronic music, and two because it is all inspired by the swing music of ’20s.


The gangsta loops of music are also called the neo-Charleston or neo-swing. Or, as Miss Alice said herself, “welcome to the ’20s…the 2020s”. Thus we got a glimpse of the music of the future. It is shaky and dancy, as everything was one hundred years ago, and complicated and digitized as per today’s lifestyle. To quote the singer: “a beautiful pain”. And to add to it: a flawless fusion. A mix of instrument-like finger drums, electric piano, vocals, and computers. Lots of loops were flying around her, from Mr. Goldielocks to Sir Chul-Min Yoo, the 2 other participants of the energetic band. We got to hear songs premiered from the debut album “Electric Shock”. Songs with much passion and rhythm. And in between singing, we got to see a good on-stage artistic, dangerous, tease between the members. Making us dance and move around. We much appreciated their comments about our humanity and giving chances all in all to each other. Don’t shoot others, help them instead, care about everyone. Upbeat vibes along with positive thoughts. And as we received the message we were able to be baptized by the beat – beaptized!


So what comes out of well played music with a lot of teasing, a really charming lady and 2 loop masters combined? We get an atomic mix of raw sensuality and energy. A good ol’ glass of whiskey with some chips on the side, but the best most delicate tasting chips!


Alice Francis (Germany/Romania)

29. April 2017 (8.30pm)

Punane Maja (Tallinn)



Alice Francis – vocal

Mr Goldielocks – sampler

Sir Chul-Min Yoo – backing vocal

Check out photos of the concert here